The Analysis of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAAS) and Pre Islamic Art of Oration

  • Ahmad Saeed,Syed Muhammad Izfar Haider
Keywords: Oratory, human history, Arab society, prophethood


Oratory  (خطا بت)   has been  of much importance  in  human history. In pre Islamic period,  a speaker had a very important place in Arab society. Speaker  used to address  on many different occaisions  i.e war,  death  and marriage etc. but there were many faults in their speeches and speech methods. When Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ ) who is last prophet of Allah announced  his prophethood,  Allah Tala bestowed him  with many qualities; one of them is  oratory or eloquence. Traditionists have narrated more than six hundred  speeches of Hazart Muhammad  ﷺ in their books. The art of oration of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ  and  art of oration in pre Islamic period have been discussed in this ariticle. Currently  different Muslim speakers  deliver speeches  in different ways  which are not according  to Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammadﷺ  , Due to this practice  they are criticised  by the masses. This article will help them to adopt the qualities of  the oratory of  Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ.

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