Tendencies, Causes and Remedies of Terrorism

  • Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq
Keywords: Terrorism, Freedom, Society, Effects, Remidies


Present Terrorism is a challenge all over the world but over this long period of time no any country has succeeded in defining terrorism. Due to the involvement of all over the world, therefore the word “terrorism” does not refer to a well-defined and it is widely doctrine. The terrorism has been a serious security problem demanding the internationally countermeasures. After the 9/11 the western scholars and politicians have classified all terrorist acts as a threat for international peace. Due to the terrorism, many questions were raised about Islam. Although the Islam is peaceful religion. Islam preaches and the advocates numerous values of non- violence and peace- building. The terrorism, jehad and freedom movements are different terms. Many scholars are going to mix-up the concept of freedom movement to the terrorism. That is why some western scholars define the word “terrorism” in wide concept, like F.B.I narrates that “terrorism is the unlawful use of, or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property to coerce and intimidate government or society, often to achieve political, religious or ideological objectives. In the view of above definition, there is no difference between terrorism and same terminologies. The common causes of spreading terrorism are poverty, injustice and lake of aduction in different societies. In this situation the role of UN and OIC is very incredible. All people should educate the people to understand the differences in religions, freedom and human behaviors and should think of peace and equality of all human being. 

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