تعلیمات سید ہجویر کی عصری معنویت کشف المحجوب کی روشنی میں

Importance of Teachings of Sayyed Ali Bin Usman Hujvery in Present Era (In the light of Kashf ul Mahjoob)

  • Nayab Gul
  • Muhammad Waris Ali
Keywords: Sayyed Ali Bin Usman Hujvery, Teachings, Kashf ul Mahjoob, Society, importance.


:- Sayed Ali bin Usman Al - Hujvery is a great saint of 5th century of Hijrah. His teachings have much role to purify the society from sins and maltreats. The objective of this article is to highlight the contribution of Sayyed Ali Hujvery to make the society peaceful and beneficial for all human beings. Kashf ul Mahjoob is the masterpiece of Sayyed Ali Huvery in this context. The principles and teachings described in this book have been collected and analyzed in the perspective of present situation of the country, nation and the whole world. It has been written in very comprehensive and easy way. We can have guidance from his book for almost every aspect of life.  For maling an ideal and peaceful society we should propogate comprehend the teachings of this saint and adopt them in our lives in practicable way.

Author Biographies

Nayab Gul

Ph D scholar, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore

Muhammad Waris Ali

Assistant Prof. Islamic Studies Department, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore

Arabic Articles