Refutation of the Allegations Levelled by R.V.C. Bodley About the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

  • Syed Toqeer Abbas, Muhammad Sultan Shah
Keywords: Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), R.V.C. Bodley, Allegations, Sirah literature


R.V.C. Bodley is one of the European writers who not only studied Islam but also observed it practically. He spent his seven years in Arabia, especially in the Sahara Desert, and accounted his observations in about six writings. He is considered the hero of nineteenth century travellers. He was born in France and studied at Eton College England. He had soft behaviour towards Islam in comparison with other European authors. He fell a prey to bigotry like other orientalists. In this paper, an effort has been made to refute the allegations levelled by Bodley against the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him). His views have been analysed and repudiated in the light of basic sources of Sirah literature.

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