The Social Impacts of Religious Monopoly of Fake Sufism and Scholars of Our Time (In the Light of the Teaching of Kashf al-Mahjub)

  • Hafiz Naseer Ahmad٭ Muhammad Naeem Anwar٭٭
Keywords: Perfect Model, Reflection, Exploitation, Wrongdoings, Destroyed, True Mysticism, Criticism.


Man is the best of the creations of the Almighty Allah Who reflects the perfect model of His creations. Allah’s showers His bounties, benediction and blessings on those who are inclined to extend favors to His creation. Incompetent people exploited the religious sentiments of the gullible to get their desired malicious designs, and for this very purpose they did not feel any reluctance to twist, distort and interpolate the divinely revealed teachings. The greedy and vested-interest groups exploited and capitalize the so-called religious seminaries for their personal gains and advantages. On account of wrongdoings and evil practices of all these religious mentors (Priests, Bhikshus, Pundits, Rabbis and Seminaries, etc.) common people have become fed-up with their religions. As a result of it, a society devoid of all high moral values is coming into existence. This social anxiety and precariousness has destroyed the peace and tranquility of mind of people. Ali Ibn Usman Al-hajveri, a great mystic, depicted the true picture of mysticism in his book Kashf al-Mahjoob. He emphasized that true mysticism is to follow the teachings of Quran and Sunnah in letter and spirit. He severely criticized those so-called scholars who misled the innocent people and led them to astray. He also criticized those scholars who twist and distort the teachings of religion and make them subservient to their vein desires.

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