Analytical Study of Annemarie Schimmel’s Book “And Muhammad is His Messenger”

  • Iftikhar Alam / Ata ul rahman
Keywords: Annemarie Schimmel, Biographical Hagiographical, Miracles, Prophet, Messenger


Commonly most of the orientalists are seen having objections on Islam and Prophet of Islam, but Annemarie Schimmel (1922-2003), a German orientalist, has a realistic approach as she accepts the truth of Islam and oftenly expresses her notions in favor of Islam. She, in her writings, openly disagrees the orientalists who have unjustified objections on Islam and Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. So, it is necessary to study and analyze the work of such an orientalist of positive vision. For this specific purpose, an analytical study is being presented. Methodology of analyzing this book will be based on Holy Quran, books of Hadith and opinions of Muslim scholars.

Her book “And Muhammad is His Messenger” is a book that reflects most of her studies about Islam, Prophet of Islam and Muslims response to their religion. She has discussed important points in this regardsuch as biographical and hagiographical notes on  Muhammad ﷺ, Miracles  of Muhammadﷺ, the Names of Prophetﷺ, the Light of Muhammadﷺ, celebration of Prophet’s birthday, the Prophet’s Night Journey, poetry in honor of the Prophet and the Prophet Muhammad in Muhammad Iqbal’s Work. After discussing 12 chapters, schimmel describes the noble Names of the Prophet.

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