An Analytical Study of Letters Written by Shah Abdul Aziz (RA)

  • Nadia Alam
  • Ali Akbar Al-Azhari
Keywords: Islam, Tasawwuf, Shah Abdul Aziz, Services, Letters


  In the histrory of subcontinent, Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Mahadith Dahlavi (RA) is wellknowen religious personality. He carried out major and important tasks at a time when Muslims in India were politically much undermined. The grandeur of Mughal Empire had become a story of the past.After the revolts of the Marathas, Sikhs and Jats, the British were occupying the subcontinent. Persian was being replaced by Urdu. In short, changes were taking place in political, scientific, spiritual, literary and linguistic aspects. In this noisy, anxious and upset era, the personality of Shah Abdul Aziz Mahdas Dahlavi not only stepped up his great father's work but also sought to solve new problems.He did many things with his brilliant intelligence, strong memory and great courage without taking into account his visual impairment, physical weakness and many other ailments. This article gives a brief overview of his life and different services with a special focus on letters written by him.  

Author Biographies

Nadia Alam

Ph.D Scholar, University of Lahore

Ali Akbar Al-Azhari

Associate Prof, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore

Arabic Articles