The Role of Raw Sufīs in Making the Sufism Ridiculous:

A Research Analysis in the Light of Kashful Mahjoob

  • Allah Ditta
  • Hafiz Mohammad Hasan Mahmood
Keywords: Tasawwuf, Fake Sufīs, Kashful Mahjub, Sufism


Sufism is actually the implementation of Islamic teachings. The role of the Sufīs has been very ideal for this and their teachings undoubtedly present a very bright picture in this perspective. Due to their behavior, Muslim and non-Muslims loved and liked them and followed their teachings. Seeing their popularity in the public, some fake Sufīs started to imitate their gesture and their theories, but because they were less educated and training was just a tension, so their behavior and character not only provided the opportunity to showcase the Sufism and Sufīs too. The critique of these fake Sufīs’ practices has been presented in this article in the light of the book “Kashful Mahjub. This study also promulgates the contemporary implications of the teachings of Syed Ali bin Usman in this regard defects and flaws of fake Sufis has also been indicated and described which found in them. 

Author Biographies

Allah Ditta

Lecturer, F.G. Degree College for Boys Multan Cantt, Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies B.Z.U.Multan

Hafiz Mohammad Hasan Mahmood

Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies B.Z.U. Multan. 

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