Aspects of Stability and Social Peace in Islam

  • Muhammad Iqbal
Keywords: Islam, Peace, Stability, Quran, Sunnah


Islamic religion came to determine the great objectives which are necessary for every male and female Muslim.That are called Objectives of Shariah ( ) مقاصد شریعہ like protection of religion, life, intellect, honor and money. Authentic Scholars used to make judgments and issues on the basis of the great objectives, so when the knowledge disappeared and the ignorance and freak emerged, the doubts, disturbance and killing spread on not protecting those objectives. That’s why very destructive action targeting the peaceful people, is against the judgments of Islamic Shariah that came to save the bloods of the Muslims and other agreement holders. The importance of social peace exceeds the human right to make it divine duty, religious task and need of the human civilization’s stability and implimentation of basic social peace is for the implimentation of the religion, so it’s clear that peace of religion is dependent on peace of world. The Holy Qura’n gave more attention to this aspect because its impact is on smoothing the human being. The preparation that was due from Allah (S.W.T) in the Quran and the Sunnah, includes all the intellectual, military, social and political aspects which provide peace to all and the force that required by Islam, was to protect the right, care the agreement, response the oppressor and help the aggrieved. So this paper discusses the topic which is important to all Muslims because the issue of social peace is considered basic need for prosperous life and without peace there will be uncertainty and fear which will cause the migration, division and stoppage of living things.  

Author Biography

Muhammad Iqbal

Assistant Professor, Arabic Department, NUML, Islamabad
