نظریہ قومیت سے متعلق بیسویں صدی کے مسلم مفکرین کی آراء کامطالعہ Analysis of Thoughts of Muslim Thinkers of Twentieth Century About Nationalism

  • Ghulam Ahmad Khan / Muhammad Akram Rana
Keywords: Islam, Nationalism, Global Community, Twentieth Century, Colonaialism, Muslim Thinkers.


Love of birth – place  and   country is a part of man’s nature and instinct.  If this thing becomes an ideaology or a source of pride and  arrogance against  other races or nations then it is called nationalism.  Islam  rejects  nationalism and all types of differences  and wants  to create a global community on the basis  of  oneness of Allah  and  Prophethood. In the Past history the  dominance of the western world divided the whole mankind in to different  nations and races. In twentieth century the tribulation of nationalism has been on its climax .The representatives of colonialism have given the slogan of civilization to the uneducated nations. Thus they have  exploited the poor and backward nations. In this article, the concept of nationalism of the muslim thinkers of the twentieth  century has been discussed and analysed.

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