How Leaders' Motivational Language Boost Innovative Work Behavior of Employee in Chinese Service Sectors: The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment.

  • Muhammad Rafique School of Public Policy and Management, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China
  • Muhammad Arshad School of Business, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming, Yunnan, China
  • Asrar Ahmed Sabir Department of Economics and Business administration, Division of Management and Administrative Sciences, The University of Education Lahore, Vehari campus
Keywords: Leaders' Motivational Language, Innovative Work Behavior, Psychological Empowerment, Motivational Language Theory


The study drawing on motivational language theory (MLT), examines how leaders boost innovative work behavior (IWB) through motivational languages. The study also used psychological Empowerment as a mediating variable among leader motivational language (LML) and IWB. The data was collected from 291 employees at work services sectors (airlines, hospitals, and shopping malls) in two main phases. The study collected data with six sub-phases from China's services mentioned above sectors. By taking in survey full-time airline employees working in cargo transportation, ground staff, strategic planning, and front desk. The hospital employees respond mainly to technical workers in OPD, laboratory, and nursing staff. In the end, the study gets in the survey from the employee working in shopping malls, stock handling, and sales and planning department. For innovative work behavior, this study collects data from the shift in charge, supervisors, unit head, manager, and career development department from airlines, hospitals, and shopping malls. The study analyzed the data using SMART-PLS-SEM. The findings of the study indicate that there is a positive relationship between LML and IWB. This study also confirmed that psychological Empowerment mediates the relationship. The study found that leaders' communication during training improves employee productivity. The motivational language of leaders reduces the employee's stress level, and they feel free to give feedback and share their ideas with the supervisor at the workplace. The mutual trust among subordinates and leaders brings them together, making an innovative environment to perform at the workplace. The study theoretically contributes and confirms (MLT) as the best tool to motivate subordinates. Practically this study informed the studied sectors how they implement this model to boost employees' innovative work behavior. In the end, the study also discussed limitations with future directions.
